All the Hotels in Corinaldo

Tot 4 hotels
Al Casolare3 stars
double room: 75
Corinaldese, 6 - Passo San Domenico
Located downtown, near the station, our small hotel proves to be a good starting point for those who, for work or business or simply on holiday, want to move in the area. The proximity to major roads, such as A-14 and SS-76 freeway Fabriano-Rome-Ancona (3 km) make it easy to any [continue...]
Bellavista3 stars
double room: 60
dei Capuccini, 9 - Corinaldo - tel. +39 071 67073
Il Giglio3 stars
double room: 70
Via del Corso, 8 - Corinaldo - tel. +39 071 7976324
I Tigli2 stars
hotel i tiglidouble room: 75
Via Del Teatro, 31 - Corinaldo - tel. +39 071 7975849
Frazioni di Corinaldo:
Towns near Corinaldo with hotels:
Passo San Domenico (2.3 Km, 1 hotel)
Monterado (8.2 Km, 1 hotel)
Castelleone di Suasa (9.0 Km, 1 hotel)
Barbara (9.6 Km, 1 hotel)
Mondavio (11.3 Km, 1 hotel)
View all 32 towns in the province of Ancona on map
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